OFC since this is a Vidya set in Arc-V it will be in current game status with the inclusion of Fusion,Synchro,XYZ,and Pendulums (don't forget everyone's favorite Rituals) Coming in at a grand spanking 7000+ cards in the game. Well they are essentially kinda like a dating simulator as to where you would go on dates and try to impress he or she and increasing happiness to end up liking you but instead of doing dates you'll be dueling all around the area from duelist of the respective 5 Yu-Gi-Oh! Series DM,GX,5d's,Zexal, and Arc-V the more your duel the more your Partners Likeliness or Heart meter will increase till you reach a point where you will have to do a Story Mode event with them.
So I should probably give you a rundown on how the tag force games work.